Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A G-R-E-A-T Day

yesterday was the big day. the SPELLING BEE!
20 4th and 5th graders won a spot to compete...
and randi was one of them!
she had a bit of a nervous look on her sweet face as she waited for her word.
1st round, 2nd round, 3rd round...
4th round. "spell nuzzle".
she spelled a correct word...just the wrong word!
but, it was in that 4th round that more than half of the remaining students went out.
it came down to a couple of 5th graders.
it was very exciting! and, i was SO proud of her!
after school we celebrated by seeing "The Princess and the Frog".
go see it! super fun and cute. great music. endearing story. awesome message.
it will make your heart happy.
then, after a dinner of buccatini pasta and salad...
we watched a charlie brown christmas.
and the kids giggled with mr. c 'till bathtime (while i was tucked away in my craft room).
i love nice, happy days.

1 comment:

anna said...

yea Randi! Congrats to her for making it at far as she did!
K, now tell me more about this magical Christmas place you visited and where it is.