Monday, December 28, 2009

Pearls in the Kitchen

after a VERY busy two weeks....VERY busy.... i found some down time. tonight. after shopping and lunching with the kids (they had lots of gift cards to use)... we came home. i made some yummy terriyaki chicken. they watched "the grinch"... and i retreated to the other room with a glass of delicious wine. and watched...."julie and julia". it was a gift. from cade. i've been dying to see it. and. i. LOVED. it. for several reasons. a.) i love that she's a writer. struggling. and she blogs. b.) i love paris. i love paris. i love paris. c.) i adore the time period. and wish that we met for lunch...wearing gloves...and pearls. want to join me? d.) i love to cook...LOVE to cook. and will wear pearls in the kitchen...from now and on. e.) i believe...julia and i would have been dear friends. open for great food and wine...and valentine's day... trust me. there will now be a valentine's day dinner. a fabulous dinner. christmas pictures coming soon...


keep calm and carry on said...

I just saw that too! I loved it. And I don't even like to cook! I loved that she believed she could do anything and I loved how much they loved eachother. How funny was that card in the bathtub??? The sisters were a crack up too.

Trisha said...

I can just see you now with pearls on and cooking a fabulous wine!! I love you and miss you my dearest!!! XOXO