Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lovin' Cousins

the other day i made a three hour drive...
with my two little darlins' and my parents...
to dine on homemade chicken and noodles
and visit my incredible family.
{me and my cousins - anna and judy}
i am very lucky.
my extended family - on my mom's side - is the best.
they are fun, loving, and know the importance of family.
i don't see them often enough...
but, when i do get to see them -
i am reminded how much i love them...
all of the great memories i have with them...
and how lucky i am to have them.
i have ten cousins. we were missing two - plus my brothers.
we all have kids of our own now.
i think there are 25 great grandchildren...
and 22 of them were there playing.
{photos to come.}
i am so glad i made the drive.
so glad i have such an awesome family.
and so glad my kids will have great
memories with all their cousins too.

1 comment:

anna said...

oh, cute pics! We are so lucky, aren't we? I had so much fun chatting and laughing with ya! We need to do it more often! Guess you and i dont have to drive to Safford to get together...
Let's do lunch or dinner and celebrate our upcoming birthdays!