Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mother Earth

{cade: circa 2008ish}

i love being outside.
loving the outdoors was ingrained in me from a young age.
we weren't a camping family but,  we were encouraged to get outside and play.
i grew up in the beautiful country north of dallas, tx.
a creek ran behind our home and horses ran through the pasture.
my childhood summers were spent in the magical wonderland of mt. graham {arizona}.
my mom and aunt {our mother natures} would take all of us cousins on hikes.
we would make flower crowns, tell stories, and play for hours at the bottom of cow canyon.
i couldn't ask for a better childhood.

now, as an adult, i still want to be outside.
 and, this time of year does not help ease my lust for the outdoors.
springtime always makes me want to blow off any and all obligations.
i want to grab the kids from school and play in the sun.
{cade would do it in a heartbeat. randi? not so much}.
even in college, spring semester was tough for me.  it's too nice to be indoors.
upon graduating from asu, i took a job in phoenix at a travel incentive company.
i worked in a cubicle and had to wear hose. every day. in the summer. in arizona.
i hated it.
i had spent the couple of months before, working an internship at the ymca.  i developed youth sports programs, taught swim lessons, and was not in a cubicle.
needless to say, i quit the cubicle job within a month...
and moved to a job where i could relish the sunshine!

cade definitely has my love for nature and spring fever.
randi appreciates it...but, doesn't necessarily want to be out in it.
{she does not find the beauty in arizona.  i'm hoping she will see what i see...some day}.

beautiful mother  earth has been good to us.
we need to take care of her.
in our household, we recycle everything we can.
we take our own bags to the grocery store.
{just as the lovely city of tempe was preparing to ban those awful plastic bags, our governor put a stop to it...i have not figured out why.  i'm sure the all mighty dollar is behind it}.
we are trying to limit our water usage...even more.
{breaking habits has been a little challenging. like, turning off the water while brushing c}.
we read and educate ourselves on the issues.
{actually, randi tells us all about it at dinner}.
we plant a little garden.  although, it's always a stroke of luck when everything grows.
{as much as i want to believe i'm a gardener...i am not}.
but, as of this morning...i have little green beauties coming up everywhere...
carrots, radishes, basil, spinach, lettuce, sunflowers, and sweet peas.
{ahhh...sweet peas. love them}.

so, here's to spring and loving this beautiful earth.
arizona spring came a little  early this year...
but, i'm always ready!

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