Friday, January 29, 2021

Tick-Tock - April 2019

"How did it get so late so soon?" - Dr. Seuss

Years ago, when my babies were actually babies, a friend and I were talking. Her kids were high school age and she was telling me that she would not have time to use a gift card for a pedicure. I laughed to myself and thought, "yeah right! your kids aren't even home during the day. You have all the time in the world." Fast forward about fifteen years and I get it. The older your kids get the busier you get. Not only do you have your own career, projects, responsibilities, but you are also now a full time taxi driver, tutor (unless you are like me and no longer understand the work then you are driving to the tutor), cook, maid, counselor, and judge. Worries get bigger and nights get longer. But. Life also gets better and better.

With all that said... I have felt very busy lately. I feel time slipping through my fingers. Busy with what you ask? Life. Kids, the house, baking, teaching, work... and things that get me sidetracked. Yes, maybe my time management game has not been very strong lately. While I was preparing to launch this website I knew time management would be my biggest hurdle. I even blocked off times in my planner to work on the site. It worked in the beginning and then I would find myself thinking, "well, I need to do laundry right now and I will write tonight." Night would come and I would get busy with dinner, dishes, and spending time with Mr. C. "Love Mindy" has been pushed to the back burner. And. I don't like that!  So I'm making a few changes in my schedule and life. Nothing drastic because I still have responsibilities and priorities, but I'm changing where I can. (And I'm still going to find the time to do things I love)!

I know we are all busy and struggle with time. As women we are constantly trying to make everything work. We multi task like nobody's business and say yes way too often. Trying to find me time? Forget about it! We usually put everyone else's time and needs before ours. Although I probably do waytoo much for my family, I have come a long way when it comes to taking care of myself. I still feel a little guilty when I get a facial or manicure, but I get over it pretty quickly! I always make time to hike, and fortunately, as a fitness instructor I get paid to work out! The older I get I realize that taking care of my well being is crucial. If I'm not healthy and taking care of myself - I won't be on my A game to take care of my loves. We must take care of our bodies, as well as, our souls. Do things that make you happy. Make your soul smile! Spend time with girlfriends. Get outside. Buy some new shoes. Eat a cupcake!

To help myself find time throughout the week, I have a few organization tips I want to share. 

  • In the "Cookbook" section of this site I am adding some quick dinner time meals. I make dinner at least five nights out of the week. Other than quick dinner time meals, my favorite tool for dinner time is weekly menus. On Saturday or Sunday I write out a menu for the week. I look at the calendar and plan accordingly. My son's game nights are also crockpot nights (since I won't be home). By having an organized weekly menu I (hopefully) only go to the grocery store once a week and I don't have to spend time figuring out what I'm going to make.  I don't meal prep, but I meal plan. (I get asked all the time if I meal prep).
  • I do laundry daily. I'm a bit obsessive/compulsive about lots of things...laundry being one. However, this saves time because I'm alway ahead. I'm never hit with a full day or 8 loads of laundry at once! Sometimes, I start it before bed and fold in the morning while having my coffee. (I'm also an early riser. I can get so much done in the mornings. I love it)!
  • Keeping the house picked up is key to time saving and organization. As I mentioned, I'm a bit obsessive/compulsive. I usually clean on Mondays, but am always keeping things picked up. Kitchen is cleaned and wiped down every night...bathrooms each morning. I am a believer that my home should be ready for guests at any time. Beds are made each morning and rooms are picked up. My kids LOVE this. Okay. They may not have always loved it, but now that they are older they both appreciate and want clean rooms.

 Now. I kind of sound like a neurotic hard ass and a ruler of cleanliness! I do like things put away and clean. It saves time and I like being organized. However, I also know that the laundry will be there tomorrow and if we want to eat take out one night instead of what's on the menu it's fine. (In fact, it's great because I won't have to cook and clean)! I have learned to roll with it and that has come with lots of experiences and age. It's all a balance. We need to use time wisely, but we also need to be okay with wasted time, because wasted time on something we love is not wasted at all. If you enjoyed the six hours of Netflix or hour spent getting a facial, or two hours hiking it's not wasted time.

"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince